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Waste Water Treatment Chemicals

Geopure Aqua Technologies extensive range of waste water treatment chemicals like Odor Removal Chemicals, Color Removal Chemicals, Defoamer, Antifoamer, Bio Cultures, Bio Nutrients, Coagulants and Flocculants are highly suitable for Industrial Effluent Treatment and Sewage Treatment plants helps easy removal of suspended and colloidal particles and to control BOD, COD level. Odor removal control chemicals quickly neutralize the bad odor like Hydrogen Sulphide, Amines, Ammonia, Sulphur dioxide, Mercaptans, Acetaldehyde and more.

Geopure Aqua Technologies offers wide range of poly-electrolytes includes Anionic, Cationic and Non-ionic powders. Anaerobic & Aerobic Cultures, Silicon Defoamer and Non Silicon Defoamer for Industrial Effluent Treatment purposes.

Waste Water Treatment Chemical