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Geopure 3013
Geopure 3013
Geopure 3013
Geopure 3013
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Geopure 3013 is a general dispersant for cooling systems and assists in the prevention and removal of inorganic materials and foulants. It is designed to help maintain clean surfaces in heat transfer equipment and cooling towers, in addition to cooling system inhibitors/bio dispersants and biocides. Geopure 3013 also serves as a general corrosion inhibitor and cleaner for heavily fouled systems.

    Physical Properties:

  • Type:Liquid
  • Appearance:Clear to straw
  • Solubility in water:Complete
  • Specific Gravity @ 25ºC:1.01 ± 0.05
  • pH @ 25ºC:1.0

You are requested to refer your Geopure representative for advising you the best dosage or application method.